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b站入口大全b站入口2023已更新b站入口在哪里b站入口2023b站入口免费在线观看網頁a door, gate, etc. by which you can enter a building or place: There are two entrances - one at the front and one around the back. 有两个入口,一个在前面,另一个在后面。. entry uk / ˈen.tri/ us / ˈen.tri/ noun. a door, gate, etc. by which you enter a place: I'll wait for you at the entry to the park. 我会在公园入口 ...

網頁a door, gate, etc. by which you can enter a building or place: There are two entrances - one at the front and one around the back. 有两个入口,一个在前面,另一个在后面。. entry uk / ˈen.tri/ us / ˈen.tri/ noun. a door, gate, etc. by which you enter a place: I'll wait for you at the entry to the park. 我会在公园入口


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網 頁 G o o g l e o f f e r e d i n : fan 體 zhong wen . S e a r c h t h e w o r l d ' s i n f o r m a t i o n , i n c l u d i n g w e b p a g e s , i m a g e s , v i d e o s a n d m o r e . G o o g l e h a s m a n y s p e c i a l f e a t u r e s t o h e l p y o u f i n d e x a c t l y w h a t y o u ' r e l o o k i n g f o r .


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網頁a door, gate, etc. by which you can enter a building or place: There are two entrances - one at the front and one around the back. 入口有兩個,一個在前面,另一個在後面。. entry uk / ˈen.tri/ us / ˈen.tri/ noun. a door, gate, etc. by which you enter a place: I'll wait for you at the entry to the park. 我會在公園入口


網頁使用你的 Google 帳戶. 電郵地址或電話號碼. 忘記電郵地址?. 輸入您聽到或看到的文字. 這部電腦不屬於您嗎?. 請使用私密瀏覽視窗登入。. 進一步了解訪客模式嘅使用詳情. 下一頁. 建立帳戶.


網頁入口;大門(口);通道. There are two entrances - one at the front and one around the back. 入口有兩個,一個在前面,另一個在後面。. 反義詞. exit (LEAVING) C2 [ C usually singular ] the act of coming onto a stage, by an actor or dancer. (演員的)入場,登場. He makes a spectacular entrance in act two draped


網頁字詞:入口,注音:ㄖㄨˋ ㄎㄡˇ,釋義:1.進入口中,指飲食。《左傳.定公四年》:「立依於庭牆而哭,日夜不絕聲,󹾬飲不入口七日。」宋.陸游〈長歌行〉:「平時一滴不入口,意氣頃使千人驚。」 2.進入建築物或特定的場地所經過的門或關卡。