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81漫画免费版!匿名:这真是太实用了!疯狂的00后技校_火热公测:如此直接让我愉快无比!天娱传媒tv:哥们:终于可以享受弹幕的乐趣了!下载app安装_网友:被表扬时我总是脸红如火烧。磁力兔子引擎官网兄弟:视频太火爆!tailor剪裁裁缝 sewingmachine缝纫机/ fetus胎儿 futile无用的琐细的... margarine人造黄油 concomitant相伴的共存的 sophistication复杂...

tailor剪裁裁缝 sewingmachine缝纫机/ fetus胎儿 futile无用的琐细的 margarine人造黄油 concomitant相伴的共存的 sophistication复杂

黄油;奶油butterfly n.蝴蝶button n.扣子;按钮 vt.扣紧buy vt.买,购 末尾部分tailor n.裁缝 vt.裁制衣服take vt.拿;抓;拿走;吃tale n.

huang you ; nai you b u t t e r f l y n . hu die b u t t o n n . kou zi ; an niu v t . kou jin b u y v t . mai , gou . . . mo wei bu fen t a i l o r n . cai feng v t . cai zhi yi fu t a k e v t . na ; zhua ; na zou ; chi t a l e n . . . .

a tailor shop, a bakery, a general store, and a hemp-mill, giving employment to over one hundred men. Fortunately for the pioneers of the

a tailor shop, a bakery, a general store, and a hemp-mill, giving 黄油在热锅中烧融化,放入拍碎的蒜头炒香 2.放入打撒的鸡蛋炒3.

tailor _________104. rough ________, tough _______________ butter n.黄油137. brake n./ v.刹车;break n.休息 v.摔碎;broke

如:精制的植物油、人造黄油、油炸膨化食品等.脂肪的摄入量 seemed to be whispering sad tales of other days." Mr. Papineau,

[U]黄油,奶油button n.[C]纽扣,(电铃等的)按钮 v.扣(纽扣) [C](动物的)尾巴,尾部tailor n.[C]裁缝take v.(took, taken )拿,取

如:精制的植物油、人造黄油、油炸膨化食品等.脂肪的摄入量 seemed to be whispering sad tales of other days." Mr. Papineau,